The sustainable leadership role is in focus with the aim of strengthening your ability to act as a leader in modern organisations.
The course focuses on practical usage of negotiation methods, and is anchored in recognised negotiation theory. All cases are aimed at real life challenges facing leaders, specialists and advisors in their everyday practice.
CBS Executive Sustainable Leadership and Transformation program will kick off in January 2025.
Download detailed program information in pdf and learn more about the program learning journey.
This program will strengthen the capabilities of senior business partners and future and present leaders of corporate functions and enable them to play actively and effectively in a Strategic Business Partner role driving value creation through strategic insight, impactful engagement with the line of business and cross-functional collaboration.
Tilmeld dig vores interesseliste øverst på denne side, og vi vil kontakte dig, når der er nyt om kurset.
Hvordan organiserer vi fremtidens arbejdsplads? Vi bruger det 21. århundredes internetbaserede forretningsprocesser og det 20. århundredes ledelsesprocesser, som alle er baseret på det 19. århundredes ledelsesprincipper – kan du også få øje på et “gap”? Så kom med ind i fremtiden og lær fra både forskning og praksis om nye organiseringsformer: Tribes, Teal og Medledelse.
Tilmeld dig vores interesseliste øverst på denne side, og vi vil kontakte dig, når der er nyt om kurset.
Skab autoritet og troværdighed gennem din retorik. Gennem retorikkens begreber og praktiske greb får du som leder dermed både indsigt i ledertalens muligheder i din organisation og bliver helt konkret og fysisk i stand til at tage rummet med din tale.
Tilmeld dig vores interesseliste øverst på denne side, og vi vil kontakte dig, når der er nyt om kurset.
Styrk din regnskabsmæssige kunnen på 3 dage. Opnå øget indsigt i måling og tolkning af finansielle nøgletal, der er centrale for en virksomheds værdiskabelse, samt grundlæggende viden om budgettering og værdimåling.
Sign up for our interested list at the top of this page and we will contact you as soon as program information is ready
Acquire the abilities to inspire and empower employees in achieving talent growth, guiding the organization toward success.
With CBS Executive Fonden
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is more than policies, programs, or headcounts. It's a neccessary strategic approach to create the Future of Work and outpace your competition by supporting the perspectives and potential of all your team members. As a result, diverse and inclusive workplaces earn deeper trust and more commitment from their employees.
By mastering inclusive leadership, understanding its challenges and opportunities, you and your organization will be laying the foundations for an agile, innovative and successful business.
In this article we present to you our brand new CBS Executive Sustainable Leadership & Transformation Program and the upcoming free Executive Morning Briefs to help organizations embark the sustainable transformation.
CBS Executive Talks is a podcast series focusing on current topics and trends within leadership. CBS Executive Talks keeps you updated on the latest research and provides inspiration on how to remain relevant in your role as a leader. The researcher and practitioner come together in the studio for a conversation on a leadership-related topic, which you have the opportunity to delve further into at one of CBS Executive Fund's many leadership courses or conferences. The purpose is to provide you with tools and methods to act and respond based on research-based principles in a changing and complex world that places high demands on you as a leader.
Executive Morning Brief on Leading for the Sustainability Transition
Executive Early Morning Brief on Next Generation Sustainable Leadership
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