Professional Negotiation
The course focuses on practical usage of negotiation methods, and is anchored in recognised negotiation theory. All cases are aimed at real life challenges facing leaders, specialists and advisors in their everyday practice.
The course will be held on 12.-15. January 2026
Mere information
- Managers
- Executives
- Senior Leaders
Kontakt os
- Nina Marie IngvartsenProgram Manager
- Tobias ThaningCommunity Director
- Anja Skau-AndersenIndehaver
- Lukas MardorfRetoriker, taleskriver, underviser
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What our participants say
”I thought the course was fantastic, with the opportunity to work a lot with practical cases: A great way to put learnings into practice. Anja’s teaching was also engaging and well paced.”
Tristan Dell,Co-Founder, Dandelion Diagnostics (BioInnovation Institute Foundation)“The course is build in a way that even if you have experience in negotiation, you still have a lot to learn.”
Omer Yacoby Levine,M&A Director“The content was excellent, and the instructor was engaging and experienced.”
Tiina Likki,Senior Technical Lead (Organizational Change), World Health Organization“This is one of the best courses I have attended. The combination of high-level teachers and the distribution between theory and practical learning. The best thing is that you can use what you learn during the week at your job.”
Birgitte Sørensen,CEO, TEMP-TEAM A/S - participant on Professional Negotiation“A good balance between theory and practice. Really good teachers. Learned a lot that can be used immediately!”
Michael Møller,Special consultant, Kommunernes Landsforening (KL)“Anja and Lukas made it possible to bring theory to practice. My fellow students showed a lot of engagement which I will credit both Anja and Lukas.”
Carsten Bonfils Andersen,Managing Director, Pangaea Logistics Solutions Denmark A/S“Great teaching, valuable insights, international audience.”
Olga Lazarets,Data & Analytics Sales Manager,Salesforce”Very valuable. It made a great impression how preparation, choice and adaptation of negotiation strategies are key to create the desired outcome. Good combination of theory and practice. Excellent teachers.”
Sebastian Laisen,Senior Associate, Danmarks Eksport- og Investeringsfond
Tobias Thaning
Community 26 25 04 37Nina Marie Ingvartsen
Program 22 99 41 55
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