CBS Executive Sustainable Leadership and Transformation program will kick off in January 2025.
Download detailed program information in pdf and learn more about the program learning journey.
This board education program is developed by CBS Board Education in close collaboration with BioInnovation Institute and experienced CBS Professors, board members, Life Science startup investors and founders.
Innovation and Commercialisation of Your Life Science Project
Gain the skills develop a data strategy and drive AI-implementation, balancing efficiency and innovation goals in your organization. Learn how to make informed decisions about the use of data and algorithms, improve strategic leadership decisions, and create new value propositions through data-driven insights.
Where Human Capital Powers Transformation.
This course empowers leaders to harness human capital as the driving force of strategic transformation, providing insights and tools to navigate complexity, foster a culture of agility, and drive sustainable value creation - positioning their organizations to thrive in an era of constant disruption.
This course endeavors to dissect the intricate challenges surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics, financial reporting and organizations’ strategic considerations relating to sustainability.
Get up-to-speed with the changing world of talent, skills and career development.
Learn the know-how and skills needed to effectively create and lead cross-cultural teams and organisations through self-reflection exercises and interactive simulation activities.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a disruptive force that is reshaping business, government, and society. Understanding the applications of AI within organizations and having a grasp of the associated challenges is essential for leaders in both the public and private sectors. This course explores how to harness AI for organizational innovation and entrepreneurship. Are you up to speed? Is there a business case for new applications of AI within your organization? And do you understand the risks and rewards?
Everything mid-sized companies need to know when expanding internationally for the first time.
Develop the skills to think long-term, adapt to complex challenges, and build resilience in your leadership. Explore how to navigate sustainability dilemmas and create meaningful, lasting change in your organization and beyond.
The course takes place over three days in August, plus one day in September and one in October.
This program will strengthen the capabilities of senior business partners and future and present leaders of corporate functions and enable them to play actively and effectively in a Strategic Business Partner role driving value creation through strategic insight, impactful engagement with the line of business and cross-functional collaboration.
The purpose of The Blue Board Leadership Program is to improve the competencies of future and present ‘blue’ board members in handling challenges with exceptional strength and board management skills.
Note, non-refundable sign-on fee DKK 8,225
Bliv Gazelle med bæredygtigt lederskab 🦌🌿
CBS Executive tilbyder en unik mulighed for Børsens Gazellevirksomheder 2024: Ansøg om en gratis plads på vores ambitiøse uddannelse 'Sustainable Leadership & Transformation'
Uddannelsen klæder ledere på til at håndtere fremtidens udfordringer ved at integrere bæredygtighed i forretningsstrategien.
📅 Forløb: 5 moduler over 5 måneder (opstart: September 2025)
🌍 For hvem: Topledere og beslutningstagere
💡 Udbytte: Bæredygtige strategier, styrket konkurrenceevne og langsigtet vækst
Læs mere om lederuddannelsen 'Sustainable Leadership & Transformation'
CBS Executive Sustainable Leadership and Transformation program wil start in September 2025
Download detailed program information in pdf and learn more about the program learning journey.
The course focuses on practical usage of negotiation methods, and is anchored in recognised negotiation theory. All cases are aimed at real life challenges facing leaders, specialists and advisors in their everyday practice.
The course will be held on 12.-15. January 2026
Coming soon...
CBS Executive Fonden and IMD (International Institute for Management Development) have formed a collaboration within open enrollment executive education programs specifically tailored for executive leaders.
Get knowledge, inspiration, and perspectives on your leadership development - and keep up with the latest research & trends