CBS Executive Sustainable Leadership and Transformation program will kick off in January 2025.
Download detailed program information in pdf and learn more about the program learning journey.
This program will strengthen the capabilities of senior business partners and future and present leaders of corporate functions and enable them to play actively and effectively in a Strategic Business Partner role driving value creation through strategic insight, impactful engagement with the line of business and cross-functional collaboration.
In our times of rapid digital transformation, understanding and promoting a responsible use of digital technology is not just a regulatory necessity, but a cornerstone of sustainable success.
During this 3-day course you will learn to navigate this complex legal and ethical landscape, leading your organization towards leveraging digital responsibility as a strategic business advantage.
The course focuses on practical usage of negotiation methods, and is anchored in recognised negotiation theory. All cases are aimed at real life challenges facing leaders, specialists and advisors in their everyday practice.
Unlock the power of behavioral economics to drive business and organizational success.
Get knowledge, inspiration, and perspectives on your leadership development - and keep up with the latest research & trends