Focus is on the rapid changes today’s organizations must deal with strategically to ensure innovation and business development.
Learn to shape the future of life science
WAITING LIST: We have reached the maxium sign ups for this virtual Executive Morning Brief on 18 September from 9.00-9.45: Beyond Compliance - Driving Implementation of the New EU Sustainability Regulations.
Join free virtual Executive Morning Brief on 24 September from 9:00 - 10:00 EST / 15:00 - 16:00 CET: Sustainability in the US – Key Scenarios Ahead of the Election
Sign up and you will receive a Zoom link to the online Morning Brief on email shortly before the event
This program will strengthen the capabilities of senior business partners and future and present leaders of corporate functions and enable them to play actively and effectively in a Strategic Business Partner role driving value creation through strategic insight, impactful engagement with the line of business and cross-functional collaboration.
Tilmeld dig vores interesseliste øverst på denne side, og vi vil kontakte dig, når der er nyt om kurset.
Kurset giver teoretisk og praktisk indsigt i bæredygtighedens muligheder og udfordringer med afsæt i aktuelle brændpunkter, problemstillinger og cases. Det giver inspiration og konkrete værktøjer til at få social og miljømæssig ansvarlighed til at spille sammen med strategi- og forretningsudvikling i virksomheder og organisationer.
Tilmeld dig vores interesseliste øverst på denne side, og vi vil kontakte dig, når der er nyt om kurset.
Hvordan organiserer vi fremtidens arbejdsplads? Vi bruger det 21. århundredes internetbaserede forretningsprocesser og det 20. århundredes ledelsesprocesser, som alle er baseret på det 19. århundredes ledelsesprincipper – kan du også få øje på et “gap”? Så kom med ind i fremtiden og lær fra både forskning og praksis om nye organiseringsformer: Tribes, Teal og Medledelse.
Tilmeld dig vores interesseliste øverst på denne side, og vi vil kontakte dig, når der er nyt om kurset.
Styrk din regnskabsmæssige kunnen på 3 dage. Opnå øget indsigt i måling og tolkning af finansielle nøgletal, der er centrale for en virksomheds værdiskabelse, samt grundlæggende viden om budgettering og værdimåling.
Hvordan sikrer man at strategien lever i organisationen? Hvordan arbejder man med forretningsudvikling på en måde, som skaber værdi hos interessenterne? Bliv opdateret på de nyeste tilgange til strategi og forretningsudvikling. Vi bygger bro mellem forskning og praksis ved at arbejde med forskellige strategiske modeller samt involvere spændende live cases i undervisningen. Dette giver en øget indsigt i de strategiske udfordringer og muligheder, som virksomheder og organisationer står over for i dag.
Sign up for our interested list at the top of this page and we will contact you as soon as program information is ready
This course endeavours to dissect the intricate challenges surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics, reporting and firms’ strategic considerations relating to sustainability. By taking this course you will be equipped with essential instruments to leverage and implement these metrics effectively.
In this article we present to you our brand new CBS Executive Sustainable Leadership & Transformation Program and the upcoming free Executive Morning Briefs to help organizations embark the sustainable transformation.
CBS Executive Talks is a podcast series focusing on current topics and trends within leadership. CBS Executive Talks keeps you updated on the latest research and provides inspiration on how to remain relevant in your role as a leader. The researcher and practitioner come together in the studio for a conversation on a leadership-related topic, which you have the opportunity to delve further into at one of CBS Executive Fund's many leadership courses or conferences. The purpose is to provide you with tools and methods to act and respond based on research-based principles in a changing and complex world that places high demands on you as a leader.
CBS Executive Talks is a podcast series focusing on current topics and trends within leadership. CBS Executive Talks keeps you updated on the latest research and provides inspiration on how to remain relevant in your role as a leader. The researcher and practitioner come together in the studio for a conversation on a leadership-related topic, which you have the opportunity to delve further into at one of CBS Executive Fund's many leadership courses or conferences. The purpose is to provide you with tools and methods to act and respond based on research-based principles in a changing and complex world that places high demands on you as a leader.
CBS Executive Talks is a podcast series focusing on current topics and trends within leadership. CBS Executive Talks keeps you updated on the latest research and provides inspiration on how to remain relevant in your role as a leader. The researcher and practitioner come together in the studio for a conversation on a leadership-related topic, which you have the opportunity to delve further into at one of CBS Executive Fund's many leadership courses or conferences. The purpose is to provide you with tools and methods to act and respond based on research-based principles in a changing and complex world that places high demands on you as a leader.
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