ESG – Climbing the Data Mountain to Execute Strategy
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This course endeavours to dissect the intricate challenges surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics, reporting and firms’ strategic considerations relating to sustainability. By taking this course you will be equipped with essential instruments to leverage and implement these metrics effectively.
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- Senior Leaders
- Managers
Contact us
- Nina Marie IngvartsenProgram Manager
- Tobias ThaningCommunity Director
- Jeanette Fangel LøgstrupIndependent board director, senior advisor, and author
- Kristjan JespersenAssociate Professor, Ph.D, CBS
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What our alumni think
It was the perfect blend of theoretical discussion and practical examples of how ESG comes to life in the real world. The class created discussions that are invaluable for an early career professional like me. I left the course more confident in my ability to put ESG on the agenda in my company.
Naomi Jade Kellogg,Head of Comms & Culture, Pharma IT“Extremely well curated and incredible knowledgeable professor and very well-taught with great balance to also allow for class discussions and networking.”
Lone Green Arnholtz,Head of Service Provider and Delivery Management , Danske Bank“The course has broadend my high-level knowledge on the subjects and has been truly inspiring. It was great to have a lively native English speaker with close links to companies so he could give real cases and examples. It is heavy stuff and it is a long day so the teacher is key.”
Anne Katrine Wolgast,Sustainability Lead, PanzerGlass“Outstanding dive into the world of ESG. I loved nerding out over the strategic trade offs of different ESG strategies and hearing from real practioners about how they put legislative requirements into action.”
Naomi Jade Kellogg,Head of Comms & Culture, Pharma IT“The course was well-prepared with a good mix of academic and practitioner content. Overall, excellent.”
David Hoskin,Partner, Cylindr“All of the speakers are highly professional and great experts in their field.”
Nataliya Fatkulina,ESG Manager, Welltec A/S
Tobias Thaning
Community 26 25 04 37Nina Marie Ingvartsen
Program 22 99 41 55
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