Associate Professor, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen

Toke Fosgaard


Toke is a highly experienced and esteemed researcher in behavioral and experimental economics. He has researched social decisions ranging from cooperation dilemmas, dishonest choices, what happens when charity donations go digital, how to get blood donors to give repeatedly, the impact of social norms, and the influence of who people grow up with. Climate change impact of food consumption and the health consequences of smoking is also areas Toke is researching. Toke’s research is building upon a large number of behavioral experiments – some under very controlled and precise circumstances, others in much more realistic everyday situations. Toke is completing a visiting professorship with the world-leading research group at the University of California San Diego in the academic year 2021/2022 and therefore brings fresh top international inspiration with him to the course.
Toke collaborates with real-life decision-makers and he is the co-founder of the Institute for Behavioral Economics: An initiative which brings together researchers and practitioners with an interest in behavioral economics: