Inclusive Leadership through Allyship

Having an inclusive culture is the key to ensuring that diverse talent is valued, respected & appreciated in your organization.

Henrik Waitz

Program Director


Having an inclusive culture is the key to ensuring that diverse talent is valued, respected & appreciated in your organization. As a leader, you must pave the way for D&I strategies and a stronger organizational culture. Research shows us that knowledge is needed to understand the potential and change the culture but cannot stand alone.

“Inclusion is not felt in a coporate strategy. Inclusion is felt in our day-to-day interactions with each other.”
Poornima Luthra, Professor, CBS

A culture where all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have equal access to opportunity and resources, and feel valued, appreciated and a sense of belonging.

Invest in Inclusive Leadership and get the tools to create business impact. If you want to read more about allyship, take a look at the book by Poornima Luthra 'The art of Active Allyship'. You can also read this article in HBR

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