Executive Morning Brief: Next Generation Leadership at CBS Green Business Forum
Executive Early Morning Brief on Next Generation Sustainable Leadership
Tobias Thaning
Community Director
This morning brief is led by CBS Professor Andreas Rasche and will be broadcast live from the Green Business Forum conference.
This Executive Morning Brief was assisted by Utkarsh Dubey, Head of Program: Reduce Fleet Energy Demand, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Elise Hauge, Self-employed, Previously EVP, Chief People & Communications Officer, at H. Lundbeck A/S and Vice Chairperson, CBS Executive Fonden and Jacob Oerting Jørgensen, Global Head of Talent & Succession, Novo Nordisk.
Elise Hauge, Self-employed, Previously EVP, Chief People & Communications Officer, at H. Lundbeck A/S and Vice Chairperson, CBS Executive Fonden
Jacob Oerting Jørgensen, Global Head of Talent & Succession, Novo Nordisk
What new skills and expectations do you see in next generation leaders?
How do you empower and stay relevant for the next generation of leaders?
How do you engage your talent pipeline in the sustainability transformation?
See all Executive Morning Briefs on sustainability here